
Pride Month: Meet Patrick Washburn 

Jun 16, 2021

PatrickFor Patrick Washburn, Portfolio Manager with Retail Business Services – the services company of Ahold Delhaize USA – Pride Month means celebrating the person he’s become.  

“It’s a time to stop and reflect on the fact that I’m thankful for the person I am,” he said. “I spent a lot of time as a teenager hating myself for the person I was, so to be able to look at myself now and look at myself with that sense of pride and to be proud of the man that I am and to be proud that I’m a gay man and to have that time to join with others who I know are part of that same community.” 

Patrick remembers a time when he felt like some companies had a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy regarding sexual orientation – something that can be crushing for LGBTQ+ associates. 

“There’s such a huge mental and emotional weight that comes from hiding pieces of yourself every day,” Patrick explained. “Even a simple question like ‘What did you do this weekend?’ can trigger a huge anxiety response. Maybe I had a great first date and I want to talk about it, but I can’t – or I have to dance around who it was with. Just knowing you must hide that – the constant worry, ‘Are they going to find out? If they do what are they going to do? Am I going to lose my job?’ There’s just a tremendous, heavy, heavy weight to it.” 

It makes him thankful to work for an organization that is focused on increasing inclusivity and expanding protections for its associates.  

“There was a time in my career where I had to hide who I was, so to now be working for a company who has evolved to this place where I’m now encouraged to be who I am is pretty amazing,” he said. “I am genuinely proud of RBS and the work we do in support of our LGBTQ+ associates.” 

During Pride Month, Patrick likes to reflect on how far the LGBTQ+ community has come – from the first stirrings of the Stonewall Uprising to being able to be proud and open at work.  

“June is a time to reflect on all of those people who came before me to get us in a space today where I in my company am free to bring my whole self to work. There’s not a part of me that I have to hide in my day-to-day work. It’s a tremendous feeling,” he said.  

Pride Month is also a great time for allies to learn, grow and become better supports for their friends and colleagues in the LGBTQ+ community. Patrick recommends allies check out PFLAG’s “Straight for Equality” program, which provides tips, resources, and encouragement on becoming a better ally. The thing to keep in mind, Patrick said, is that allies come in all shapes and sizes.  

“A lot of people think of ally and they immediately think of that person who is going to march in a protest, or who is constantly writing and calling their elected officials – and, of course, that’s one kind of ally,” he said. “But there are also those allies that just do some small things every day. If your team is having a gathering, make sure to use inclusive language to let associates know they can bring their wife, husband, partner, significant other. Express interest in the life of an LGBTQ+ associate to the same degree you would any other associate. And don’t assume that an LGBTQ+ associate has family that they can lean on during difficult times like these – so reach out to them, make sure they’re ok.” 

And for those in the LGBTQ+ community who aren’t comfortable being out at work, Patrick had a few words of advice.  

“Embrace who you are. Don’t feel like you have to hide who you are from anyone,” he said. “There’s nothing wrong with you. Everyone is special and unique in one way or another. Diversity in and of itself is a great thing that makes the world a beautiful thing. And my being gay is just a part of that diversity. So anybody else who is questioning their sexual orientation – or even who’s questioning their gender identity – just embrace who you are, love yourself for who you are. Lean into those around you who also love you for who you are and let that be your guide.” 

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